Glengarry Castle Hotel
Invergarry, Inverness-shire, PH35 4HW
15 min drive - 9 miles
Car Park on site
01809 501254

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Restaurant Type:
Opening Hours:
Afternoon Tea and Restaurant
We go there for their delicious afternoon teas but they are also open for dinner. Reservations are required.
Sample dinner menu: Three course dinner £37.00 Two course dinner £28.00
Smoked Ham Hough terrine, served with Piccalilli
Isle of Skye pan-fried Scallops, Cauliflower purée
and pickled Shimeji Mushrooms with Shallot & Caper dressing
Crispy free-range Duck Egg with Celeriac & Spelt Risotto
and Purple Sprouting Broccoli (v)
Roasted Parsnip soup with Parsnip Crisps and Apple (v)
Confit Wester Ross Salmon with Jersey Royal Potatoes,
Horseradish cream, Arisaig Cockles and Salmon roe
Quail & Stornoway Black Pudding Wellington,
fondant Potato, Carrot purée and roasted Carrots
Braised belly of Scottish Lamb, pan-fried loin of Lamb, Polenta,
Watercress purée, roasted Garlic and breaded Sweetbread
Char-grilled fillet of Aberdeen Angus Beef (+£8 supplement)
with braised shin of Beef, Dauphinoise Potato and Parsnip purée
Puy Lentil, Potato & Vegetable Pie (v)
Banana Cake served with Banana Ice cream
and topped with Caramel Sauce
Dark Chocolate Delice
with a Hazelnut Tuile and salted Caramel Ice cream
Mango Sorbet with Orange Blossom Cream, Orange Curd and Meringue
Selection of fine Scottish Cheeses (+ £3 supplement)
served with Bread and Chutney
Coffee and Dinner Mints