"Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love"
Stay with us and help to change lives.
These are a few of the charities that you help by booking direct
Bookings made directly through this website make a difference and help to support a variety of charities locally in Scotland, nationally in the UK and internationally around the world.
If you would like to donate directly or find out more about any of them please click on the links below.
Thank you for helping these charities by booking direct

The Highland Club are proud to have been the main sponsor at Erskine's annual fundraising ball since 2016.
Caring for Scottish veterans since 1916
These last years have been very difficult for everyone and charities, together with the people that they support, have been especially affected.
We already give a healthy portion of profits from our business to a number of different charities and you can see a selection of these by looking at our charity page.
If you hold a particular cause in the UK dear to your heart and would like us to consider it then please nominate it by filling in the form below and check back here regularly to see who we have chosen to be our charity of the month.
Charity Spotlight
The Anne Frank Trust
Challenging Prejudice

"No one has ever become poor by giving" Anne Frank
Every year through our charitable givings we hope to touch the lives of thousands of people who are experiencing challenging circumstances from health, poverty, education, prejudice and many others.
Thanks to your generosity and support we are able to help even more.
We have an ongoing commitment to operate our business in as sustainable a manner as possible.
From our International Green Apple Environmental Best Practice Award to our policies on recycling we strive to responsibly lessen our impact on the environment wherever we sensibly can.
We consciously choose to work with companies such as The Fine Bedding Company who are recognised for products that are not only amongst the most luxurious bedding produced but also ethically sourced and manufactured in their own eco factory.